Thursday 29 May 2008

Creative Knife crime ads effective?

Okay, so the government seems rather proud of its newly dreamt up plans for it's anti knife crime ads. 
It cant be only me that believes these ads just go to prove how out of touch our government really is with today's youth.
Do they really think that by showing wounds of ill fated people that have fallen victim to knife crime will actually stop people from carrying a knife?
No way. 
People that have and use knives will definitely not be deterred by the images and those that claim to carry them for "protection" believe that they will never be the ones that inflict such a thing on others. It hasn't even crossed their minds that their weapon could be turned on them.
In the depressing world we live in where knife crime has shockingly affected 1/3 of us, I strongly believe it is more about making people fear the repercussions of their actions, with harsher penalties, and stronger policing powers.
It is going to take a lot more than a gory image of somone with a knife stuck in their chest to deter these people.

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